Let's say you have a photo and you want to convert it into a video.
We'll assume here that you want a 5-minute video, and that your photo
file is named "Babyface", your audio file is named "Lovely", and the
video file will be named "Thriller".
# display a human-friendly filename rather than the hash value
# aria2c --show-files hash.torrent | grep Name | cut -c7-
aria2c --show-files c580af287f30b369cd4f94bf88ad9c7174f27cc9.torrent | grep Name | cut -c7-
# rename the torrent file
# mv hash.torrent "$(aria2c --show-files hash.torrent | grep Name | cut -c7-).torrent"
mv -vi c580af287f30b369cd4f94bf88ad9c7174f27cc9.torrent "$(aria2c --show-files c580af287f30b369cd4f94bf88ad9c7174f27cc9.torrent | grep Name | cut -c7-).torrent"
# rename the torrent file using a different method from the one above
# mv hash.torrent " `aria2c -S hash.torrent | grep Name | cut -c7-`.torrent"
mv -vi c580af287f30b369cd4f94bf88ad9c7174f27cc9.torrent "`aria2c -S c580af287f30b369cd4f94bf88ad9c7174f27cc9.torrent | grep Name | cut -c7-`.torrent"
# create a text file with the filename of the torrent
touch "$(aria2c --show-files c580af287f30b369cd4f94bf88ad9c7174f27cc9.torrent | grep Name | cut -c7-).txt"
A simpler method is to crop or scale like crop=550:764, but the above
command will work with any input size.