An Easy Way to Create an Android App

Posted on December 22, 2021

Create an Android App That's a PWA
PWA stands for Progressive Web App..

Check out this example of a PWA.

Here's more documentation about listing your PWA app in Google Play.

Here's more documentation about the JavaScript Web API.
A PWA Can Provide its Own In-Page UI
A PWA can provide its own in-page UI for the user to open the install prompt, instead of relying on the UI provided by the browser by default. This enables a PWA to provide some context and a reason for the user to install the PWA, and can help make the install user flow easier to discover.

Here's documentation about listing your PWA app in Google Play.

Here's more documentation about listing your PWA app in Google Play.
Build your Android app APK using PWA Builder
Build your Android app APK using PWA Builder. You can read the quick start tutorialor the Android-specific tutorial.

Here's more documentation about listing your PWA app in Google Play.

Here's more documentation about listing your PWA app in Google Play.

  • If you have any questions or comments, you can contact me on Twitter: @patrickwayodi